The Lessons page in the Command Center helps teachers and administrators to search for and find content in our platform in a way that meets their needs, by making the depth and breadth of Voxy’s ever growing content library (currently containing 20,000+ lessons) easily available. All teachers (online and offline) and teacher administrators have access to this page to be able to search for and browse through lessons in a robust manner.
Users can search lessons by:
- Keyword (title or body of text)
- Level
- Media type
- Tag
- Topic
- Grammar point
- Communicative Task
From the Lessons page, users can browse results quickly in a table by easily seeing:
- Date published
- Title
- Description
- Level
- Media type
- Copyright
Users can sort the column results. Lesson page users can open any lesson that they would like to view. This way, users can review any lessons to decide if they are appropriate to use for a particular student or a particular class. Once a user has found a lesson that they would like to use, they can take the lesson links and assign or suggest them to learners.
This Lessons page cuts down on teacher planning time significantly across the board. Whether the teacher is using the Voxy Teacher Portal or their own conferencing system, or teaching in person, the Lessons page is a tool that can be used for all programs with teachers to enhance their learners’ learning experience.