Customers are able to determine a number of configurations for the VPA® (Voxy Proficiency Assessment) learner experience:
Mandatory VPA
The VPA® may be set as mandatory at the very beginning of the learner experience, and also for the next VPAs the learner will take in the future.
If set as mandatory, the learner will be required to complete the test before getting access to the course. The next time the VPA is available, whenever the learner log in to the platform, they will be redirected to the VPA page. The user will be able to click on a "I'll do it later" option, and be redirected to the learner's home. If they choose this option, they will be able to access the platform, but they will be taken to the VPA page once again on the following day, until they complete the VPA.
If the VPA® is not set as mandatory, the learner will be able to get started and may select a level during the Needs Analysis. Once the account is activated, the learner will be able to take the VPA® at any time.
We also have the option to enable blocking the platform as soon as a VPA is available until the VPA is completed. We can also give the learners a few more days until we block the platform by adding some tolerance days. This way, learners will be presented with the option to click on "I'll do it later" for X days, and will be able to participate in any classes that they may have booked or keep studying in the meanwhile.
If there are no tolerance days or the tolerance days have expired, the user must take the VPA and will not have access to the learner's home until they complete the test.
Voxy's default behavior is making the VPA® mandatory for learners for a few reasons:
- The learner will be placed in the correct level from the very beginning of their learning experience. This impacts the content that gets recommended to him/her, as well as the group classes that are available.
- The learner will have a baseline to compare when they take the second VPA®.
Interval between VPAs
Voxy allows the flexibility for customers to determine the interval which learners will have between VPAs. Voxy's default behaviour is to have 90 days between VPAs, which is, on average, the minimum time necessary for learners to show any noticeable progress.
We understand that our customer's calendars may be different and therefore have the functionality available to make the VPA® available at any other interval. For example, your performance reviews may be done every 120 days. The VPA® interval may be set to reflect these needs.
Set specific VPA® dates
It is also possible to set the next VPA® to be available for all learners at a given date. You can either set a next VPA® date using the Voxy Command Center or contact the Partner Support.
To make the VPA® available immediately for a given learner, access the Voxy Command Center, go to "Manage Learners", search for the learner and click on the e-mail address, click on the icon and select "Make VPA Available Now".
Oral Proficiency Assessment (OPT)
The OPT adds a high-quality oral proficiency assessment to the VPA®, by using trained language specialists that asynchronously grade spoken responses from test takers. Each OPT is graded by two specialists to assure consistency on final grade, and are completed within 72 hours of submission by the learner. Adding the OPT in the VPA® of your program has additional costs associated with it. Contact your CSM to learn more about it.
Stand-alone VPA®
The VPA® may be used as a stand-alone feature. In this case, learners will only have access to the assessment, and not the rest of the platform. Learners will be able to review their results once the test is completed, as well as to print a certificate directly from the results page.